Illegal, call for papers

invio abstract entro il 20 luglio 2014

Studio, rivista di architettura e urbanistica, lancia una call for papers per riflettere sull'architettura spontanea e sui processi di trasformazione della realtà urbana.

Contemporary society is based on written rules or not - whether right or wrong - that influence people's existence, thus as in everyday's life, also the city creates its rules, offering hidden scenarios going beyond their normal ordinary perception, proposing new types of space and relation.

Studio#07 - Illegal wants to investigate the existence of different ways do make architecture and consequent alternative processes of urban reality transformation. Architecture has always held an important role in defining spaces conditioning human behavior; laws, codes, norms trace a practice line which, even if it is not always shared, offers contemplative moments and consequent actions/reactions.

Illegal buildings are the architectural answer to society's needs: you cannot attribute them only a negative meaning, but you must recognize a need and a thrust for transformation. Legal buildings are not always the architectural answer to society's needs: you cannot attribute them only a positive meaning, but you must recognize their need imposed by the interest of a few.

The call for papers defines the field of interest of an issue and produces a context in which to situate contributions.

Area accepted: essay, photographic essay, illustration, data visualizations, case studies and projects, interview, comic strip and even novels - exploring the issue in any field of design: architecture, urbanism, art, photography, graphic design, film, etc..

All submissions via e-mail:
Abstract: July 20th 2014 | Final piece: August 25th 2014
Publication: September 2014


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