og : [post n° 409521]

Politecnico di Milano vs. Roma La Sapienza

Hello everyone,

I am a foreing architect who got accepted to both Architectural Design and History (Politecnico di Milano) and Conservation (Roma La Sapienza) master programs. The two masters are held in English since I do not know Italian yet.

The problem is although Polimi is ranked 9th this year amongst world architecture schools, I think the ranking may differ in specific masters programs. Their ecoles, their way of theorizing and their way of teaching may differ from each other, thus it may lead an incorrect ranking.

So, I would like to learn each master's advantages and disadvantages, also which one is better in professional life and which one is in academic career, which has the best reputation, which is connected better to the rest of the world and other first class schools for a future phd etc., etc. Rome is a great city that I fell in love when I visited, but I haven't been to Mantova ever. I wonder if Mantova is too boring to live for at least 2 years?

I'll be very glad if you help me and answer my questions.

Thank you very much in advance!
ponteggiroma :
don't choose Rome, because there are many holes on the streets...
og :
hahaha, I can help filling them, but how about education quality?
ponteggiroma :
Polimi absolutely
fulser :
I'm agree with ponteggiroma, Polimi absolutely. And Mantova is a beautiful town.
arko :
Forget about architecture, sign up for a cooking class.
linda :
Rome is a beautiful and fascinating city, but I'd aboslutely choose Milan over Rome, if, as I understand, you interest is more in future professional opportunities, value in a c.v., etc. rather than other factors. I think Rome would be worth it in case of specific advanced historical studies, thus involving a significant amount of research activities in its many (wonderful) historical libraries, archives, ecc. Mantue is a nice city; to add more, remeber that form Mantue you can always and easily reach other intersting places in central and northern Italy.
og :
Well, actually, I am already a great cook dear...
og :
linda, do you mean that La Sapienza would be better for an academic career and PoliMi for a professional life outside the university? Perhaps, studying in Polimi and doing an internship and involving a research in La Sapienza would be logic?
og :
By the way, I must admit that I always enjoyed history classes way more than architectural design project classes. Do you have any information about the weight of design and conservation parts in both programs? I don't know why but I have a feeling that La Sapienza is more concentrated on conservation part rather than design, and PoliMi is more concentrated on design part rather than conservation. Am I wrong?

Many thanks for your replies guys! I appreciate them!
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