Richard H. Driehaus Architecture: tre aree da preservare nella continuità delle tradizioni locali spagnole

concorso di idee internazionale in due fasi

consegna entro il 27 marzo 2017

INTBAU (International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism), il Dipartimento di Costruzione e Architettura del Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici e delle Infrastrutture, il Dipartimento di Belle Arti e Beni Culturali e Archivi e Librerie del Ministero dell'Istruzione, Cultura e Sport, il Premio Rafael Manzano Martos e il Concilio dell'Istituto di Architettura di Spagna indicono il concorso in due fasi Richard H. Driehaus Architecture.

Si tratta di una competizione internazionale aperta a studi, architetti, designer professionisti e urbanisti provenienti da tutto il mondo, nata con l'intenzione di promuovere studi di architettura e di urbanistica impegnati a preservare e a dare continuità alle tradizioni locali spagnole. Nella prima fase i comuni spagnoli sono stati invitati a presentare eventuali temi e siti per il concorso. Una giuria internazionale ha selezionato tre aree adatte a perseguire gli obiettivi e i criteri del concorso nelle città di Grajal de Campos (León), Jaca (Huesca) e Vejer de la Frontera (Cadice).

Ora è il momento degli architetti di tutte le nazionalità, che sono invitati a presentare proposte di design urbano e architettonico per uno dei tre siti selezionati della giuria. 

The Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition is an International Competition created to promote an architecture and urbanism practice committed to preserving and giving continuity to local traditions in Spain.

It is organized by INTBAU (the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism), the Department of Building and Architecture of the Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure, the Department of Beaux Arts and Cultural Goods and Archives and Libraries of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, the Rafael Manzano Martos Prize and the Council of Architecture Institutes of Spain.

Through the Richard H. Driehaus Architectural Competition, INTBAU will award and promote proposals upholding local architectural traditions, a sense of place, and contributing to make more beautiful, coherent, sustainable and socially integrating towns. Designs using the materials and building techniques of the region, as well as prioritizing traditional solutions, will be encouraged, as will be offering employment opportunities to regional building workers. The awarded proposals are intended to serve as a model for urban and architectural designs more sensitive to these problems and more committed to preserving Spanish cultural heritage.

The Competition is conducted in two stages. In the first stage, Spanish municipalities were invited to submit possible themes and sites for the competition. An international jury, including representatives from various institutions collaborating in this initiative, has chosen the three entries that best met the competition's goals and criteria and were considered most viable with regard to their possible funding and subsequent execution, which will in all cases be left to the discretion of the respective municipalities.

The three selected towns have been:

  • Grajal de Campos (León)
  • Jaca (Huesca)
  • Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz)

Following this, entries are invited for the second phase of the Competition, in which architects of all nationalities are encouraged to present urban architectural design proposals for any of the three sites selected by the jury.

A second international jury, on which the various institutions collaborating in this initiative will once again be represented, will assess the proposals, selecting for each site the entries that best fulfill the Competition's criteria. The jury there will also include representatives of the authorities of the three municipalities to which the sites belong.


All architectural offices, architects, design professionals, urban planners and interested people from all over the world can participate in this design competition, either individually or in teams of up to four people. At least one of the team members must possess the professional title of architect, issued before the call for entries publication. 


Those interested in participating must register and send their proposals for any of the locations no lather then 27 March 2017.

Submission of proposals will be made through the Competition website


The authors of the designs chosen for each of the three sites will receive a total prize of €12,000.

In addition, up to three honor mentions per site may also be granted to other entries that the jury considers particularly outstanding with each awarded a total prize of €2,000.

The award ceremony will be held in Madrid in June 2017.


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