Nuclear. Un concorso per individuare un indicatore di posizione dei depositi di rifiuti nucleari transuranici

iscrizione entro il 21 ottobre 2017 | consegna entro il 22 ottobre 2017

arch out loud lancia il concorso di idee Nuclear - Landmark for a Waste Isolation Site, con il quale richiede ai partecipanti di progettare un marcatore o un sistema di marcatori che funga da indicatore di posizione e da dissuasore contro l'intrusione volontaria dell'uomo nella Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, in New Mexico.

Fin dalla Guerra Fredda una delle maggiori sfide affrontate dai governi di tutto il mondo è stata lo smaltimento dei rifiuti nucleari transuranici. Come sottoprodotto della produzione di armi nucleari, i rifiuti transuranici non sono dannosi, ma il loro processo di decadimento dura anche migliaia di anni. Per affrontare questo problema, milioni di barili di rifiuti altamente radioattivi sono stati seppelliti in profondi depositi sotterranei.

Il marcatore che arch out loud chiede ai concorrenti dovrebbe funzionare come mezzo di controllo istituzionale passivo per un periodo di circa 10.000 anni e comunicare alle generazioni future che all'interno dell'impianto, a 2.150 piedi sotto la superficie, sono sepolti rifiuti transuranici, che dovranno rimanere isolati fino a quando i rischi causati dal loro deperimento non siano sufficientemente ridotti.

Since the Cold War, one of the most challenging and urgent tasks facing governments around the world has been the disposal of transuranic nuclear waste. As a by-product from nuclear weaponry production, transuranic waste is not only harmful, but also boasts a formidable decay process lasting thousands of years. To address this issue, millions of barrels of highly radioactive waste have been buried in repositories deep beneath the earth's surface.

One such disposal site is the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico, United States. To ensure public safety, it is imperative that the site remain undisturbed for the duration of the waste's decay process. arch out loud asks competition entrants to design a marker or marker system to deter inadvertent human intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. The marker should exist as a means of passive institutional control of the site for the duration of 10,000 years , following the closure and deactivation of the WIPP. The purpose of the marker is to communicate with future generations that transuranic waste is buried within a repository at the facility, located 2,150 feet beneath its surface, and should remain isolated until the risks posed by its release have been sufficiently diminished.

A marker is an indicator of position and place and a physical structure capable of carrying a message over a long period of time. Architectural markers include earthworks, berms, and other man-made formations.


Teams may be formed by one individual or up to four members. Team members can come from different universities and countries. Additionally, interdisciplinary teams are allowed, although it is recommended that at least one member have an architectural background.


Teams must register on no later than October 21st, 2017.

Payments for registering teams are the following:

  • Advance registration: $55
  • Early registration: $75
  • Regular registration: $95


Each team is required to submit required files no later than October 22nd, 2017 by using online panel available on


Prizes total to $8,000

  • Overall winner - $5,000 + AO feature and certificate
  • 3 Runners up - $1,000 each + AO feature and certificate
  • 10 Honorable Mentions - AO feature and certificate
  • Directors Choice - AO feature and certificate


  • June 7th, 2017: Competition opens and Advance registration begins
  • July 8th, 2017 Advance registration closes
  • July 9th, 2017 Early registration begins
  • Aug 12th, 2017 Early registration closes
  • Aug 13th, 2017 Regular registration begins
  • Oct 21st, 2017 Registration deadline
  • Oct 22nd, 2017 Submission deadline
  • Nov 20th, 2017 Winners announced


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