Apartment building by Taller 13 Architects (Mexico City)

Mexico City > 253 Amsterdam multifamily apartment building, designed byTaller 13 Architects (Elias Cattan + Patricio Guerrero). Situated in Hipodromo Condesa central district…It was built along the elliptical and tree-lined avenida Amsterdam, that resembles in outline the ancient hippodrome. Standing on a quadrangular lot of land, with straight axes and lines, it has basement car-parking, […]

Mexico City > 253 Amsterdam multifamily apartment building, designed byTaller 13 Architects (Elias Cattan + Patricio Guerrero). Situated in Hipodromo Condesa central district…It was built along the elliptical and tree-lined avenida Amsterdam, that resembles in outline the ancient hippodrome. Standing on a quadrangular lot of land, with straight axes and lines, it has basement car-parking, six levels of dwellings and terraces on the top…>>>

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