Mexico City: Ozuluama by Architects Collective + at.103

Mexico City > Ozuluama, designed by Architects Collective – Kurt Sattler + at.103 – Julio Amezcua and Francisco Pardo. On top of an old building, a new one overlooks, differing from the former by shape. The new apartment looks like a high-situated nomad shelter, whose inhabitants, as they occupy the space in different periods, can […]

Mexico City > Ozuluama, designed by Architects Collective – Kurt Sattler + at.103 – Julio Amezcua and Francisco Pardo. On top of an old building, a new one overlooks, differing from the former by shape. The new apartment looks like a high-situated nomad shelter, whose inhabitants, as they occupy the space in different periods, can modify and make it transitory… >>>

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