New York: Jean Nouvel in Soho

Jean Nouvel disembarks in Manhattan, at Soho, with a 13-story building (40 Mercer Soho) that will comprise 41 lofts, a spa, a pool and commercial premises on the ground floor. Construction started on November 2004, while opening is scheduled for May 2006 [Curbed / Triple Mint].Images of the building (sept/05) > 1 / 2

Jean Nouvel disembarks in Manhattan, at Soho, with a 13-story building (40 Mercer Soho) that will comprise 41 lofts, a spa, a pool and commercial premises on the ground floor. Construction started on November 2004, while opening is scheduled for May 2006 [Curbed / Triple Mint].
Images of the building (sept/05) > 1 / 2

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