‘Zorrozaurre Master Plan’, Bilbao, Zaha Hadid

At the end of October Zaha Hadid presented her master plan for a 5.300 houses development in the Zorrozaurre peninsula, a basically industrial area (nearly 800.000 square metres) situated in east side of Bilbao. The site will become such a “residential enclave” with 5.300 apartments to build in the next 20 years [el correo digital / abc.es].Project’s images> skyscrapercity.com

At the end of October Zaha Hadid presented her master plan for a 5.300 houses development in the Zorrozaurre peninsula, a basically industrial area (nearly 800.000 square metres) situated in east side of Bilbao. The site will become such a “residential enclave” with 5.300 apartments to build in the next 20 years [el correo digital / abc.es].
Project’s images> skyscrapercity.com
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