WT e Smart City Award

WT architectural studio based in Milan, with international branch offices, is coordinating two prestigious awards: WT Award, fourteenth edition of International Design Competition, and WT SmartCityAward, International Prize for urban and architectural projects. The exhibition and ceremony event of these two important prices is held every year in Milan Design Week, 8 - 13 april, in collaboration with Province of Milan and sector Expo 2015, the most important international event dedicated to the innovative architecture.

WT Award 2014

International award for design and technological innovation, WT invites international companies and designer to candidates their most relevant products for design, technological innovation, sustainable values, accessibility and contribution to better quality of life. The winning projects will be exhibited six days with a prestigious event during Milan Design Week WT Award is open to companies, students, team, professionals. Are accepted concept, prototypes or products already realized and marketed.

• 3 First Prizes (1 for each category: Accessibility - Sustainability - Quality of Life)
• 3 Honorable mention

During the manifestation in april, medals will be awarded to the winners during a press conference with the active participation of political, cultural, and industrial personalities.
• 10 Special Recognition: additional 10 products/projects will be awarded and exposed during WT Award Event.

WINNERS' KIT: Exhibition Certificate / WT Award website / Press Release Preparation / Competition Logo / Press Release Distribution / Extensive PR Campaign / Award Ceremony and Trophy / Communicated to Magazines / Physical Exhibition / Communicated to Blogs / Gala-Night Invitations / Prestige, Honor, Recognition Competition Statistics / Newsletter Announcement / Mailing list and invitations / Web Visibility

» competition brief

Deadline registration: 10 March 2014
Submission final project and materials: 20 March 2014

WT SmartCityAward 2014

It is an international urban and architecture ideas competition. The aim of this competition is to reward the most visionary and sustainable ideas and projects to transform in a positive way the urban landscape. The winning projects will be exhibited six days with a prestigious event during Milan Design Week.

WT SmartCityAward is open to students, team, professionals and companies. There are no restriction regarding the context, and are also accepted projects already developed.

• 1°, 2° and 3° prize: delivery of Award Trophy during the WT Award Ceremony.
The winners will be invited to speak during the conference in presence of journalists, institutions, architects and operators.
• 10 Honorable mentions: additional 10 projects will be awarded and the architectural model will be exposed during WT- SmartCity Event with description panels 70 x 170 cm.

WINNERS' KIT: Exhibition Certificate / WT Smart City Award website / Press Release Preparation / Competition Logo / Press Release Distribution / Extensive PR Campaign / Award Ceremony and Trophy / Communicated to Magazines / Physical Exhibition / Communicated to Blogs / Gala-Night Invitations / Prestige, Honor, Recognition / Competition Statistics / Newsletter Announcement / Mailing list and invitations / Web Visibility.

Deadline registration: 10 March 2014
Submission final project and materials: 20 March 2014

» competition brief


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