Eastern Metropolitan Green Lung

international Competition of Architecture Arquine

Arquine lancia un nuovo concorso internazionale di idee per riflettere sulla vocazione dell'area nel centro di Città del Messico del [Futuro Ex] Aeroporto  Benito Juarez che verrà sostituito dal nuovo aeroporto progettato da Norman Foster a Texcoco.

The international Competition of Architecture Arquine, that started in 1998 explores important and relevant topics for the society in general, it encourages the creation of spaces for dialogue and promotes the participation of the architect into certain issues through pro positive responses, where it promotes competitiveness, national and international participation.

Over time it has become one of the best contests of ideas in the field of architecture. In the last edition it had over 400 subscribed teams of more than 21 countries all over the world. In this opportunity, Arquine takes the opportunity to Ask. / What could be the vocation of the [future ex] International Airport Benito Juarez of Mexico City? After the announcement of the construction of the new international airport for this city in Texcoco location. This competition is looking forward to generate different proposals for the [future] urban zone with the best potential in the country, a total of 746 acres that could become the catalyst for development and growth of the eastern part of one of the most complex and populated cities of the world.

Finding the vocation of the space now occupied by the International Airport Benito Juarez in Mexico City is one of the most interesting challenges in terms of worldwide urban development; is presented as an opportunity to dig through a public competition and open the possibilities of generating a large green area in the east of the metropolis. We should began discussing from which could be the strategies and approaches of rescue, transformation and densification, contemplating the vocation of the place as a floodable space and water regulator, incorporating uses that denote the potential of the area a center or operations and incorporation of an area dedicated to the realization of international exhibitions to promote investment and the constant flow of local and foreign capital, in turn, also requires intelligent densification project, which contemplates an area for housing and their respective services. In addition, the project would be likely to propose solutions to optimize connectivity with peripheral and major roads in the city, the historic center and with the new airport that will be located in the adjacent area of Texcoco.

The invitation is open to architects and architecture students all over the world. Teams, collective and individual participants are welcome. The groups may incorporate professionals or students from other disciplines so long as the team leader or representative is an architect or architecture student.

• 1st Prize: $100,000 MNX (about 7.500 US Dollar) and a collection of Arquine Books.
• 2nd Prize: $60,000 MNX (about 4.500 US Dollar) and a collection of Arquine Books.
• 3rd Prize: $30,000 MNX (about 2.250 US Dollar) and a collection of Arquine Books.
• Honorable mentions: The Jury is allowed to give out four mentions to four ! projects that they feel deserve this recognition.

» Rules

01. Launch of the bid announcement  01 septiembre 2014
02. Start of entries 12 septiembre 2014
03. Jury announcement 16 octubre 2014
04. Start of consultation period 20 octubre 2014
05. End of consultation period 20 noviembre 2014
05. Publicación of FAQ ́s 24 noviembre 2014
05. Completing first registration stage 19 diciembre 2014
00. Start of 2nd. stage of entries 20 diciembre 2014
06. Closing date for entries 06 febrero 2015
07. Deadline for sending proposals 13 febrero 2015
08. Beginning of Jury deliberation 16 febrero 2015
09. Jury session 06 marzo 2015
10. Jury's verdic 11 marzo 2015
11. Awards and exhibition 12 mayo 2015

+ info www.arquine.com

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