Architecture competition for prefabricated houses

competition for the design of modern prefabricated houses in collaborazione con le aziende di case prefabbricate Nurban e Kodumaja, annuncia un concorso per la progettazione di case prefabbricate contemporanee per i siti di Stavanger in Norvegia e Ülenurme in Estonia.

There is a new way of looking at home construction. Ecological thinking and progressive technological solutions must go hand in hand with innovative architecture. are collaborating with two well-known prefabricated home manufacturers: Kodumaja Ltd and Nurban Ltd, who have international experience of producing up to 14 storey apartment buildings and homes for hundreds of families.

Competition has two development areas, first one in Svertingstad Gård near Stavanger in Norway and second one in Ülenurme in Estonia. Topics are row (terraced) houses and apartment house, in different countries and different contexts.

Deadline of the competition is 26th of January 2015 and we should announce the winners before 10th of February 2015.

Development area in Norway:
I prize 5,000€ - II prize 3,500€ - III prize 2,000€
Terrace house in Estonia: I prize 4,000€ - II prize 2,500€-  III prize 1,500€
special prize from Velux 700€

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