
concorso di design per studenti e architetti under 35

L'azienda Roca lancia un concorso per giovani designer, architetti e studenti under 35. La sfida: progettare prodotti e soluzioni innovativi per il bagno, ispirati ai principi della sostenibilità e capaci di anticipare nuovi desideri e necessità.

Jumpthegap is an international design contest promoted by Roca with the collaboration of BCD Barcelona Design Centre that is looking for new, innovative and sustainable concepts for the bathroom space.

The contest understands innovation concept as the anticipation of users' new desires and needs, as well as (why not?) the transformation of dreams and desires into reality.

The sustainability is one of the most important principles to take into account when innovating in the bathroom space. In the era we are living, we have to grantee products oriented to the saving of water, energy and resources.

Jumpthegap offers the opportunity to young designers or architects and design or architecture students to create and design innovative sustainable solutions for the bathroom and related products.

The contest has two categories:

  • Young designers or architects,
  • Design or architecture students.

The contest is open to applicants from every country born from 1 January 1980 onwards.

Two winning projects will be chosen, and will receive a prize of €6,000 each, one in the professional category and one in the student category, during the award ceremony in October 2015 at the Roca Madrid Gallery.

One Special Sustainability Prize will be chosen among the 30 preselected and will receive €3000. This mention will be given by the Roca We are Water Foundation, a Foundation created with the primary purpose to contribute to the awareness of a new culture of water, more caring, fair and sustainable, as well as help in all those areas of the planet disadvantaged by water problems (www.wearewater.org).

There is a new registration deadline: March 9 (instead of February 25).
Project submission deadline: April 13.

Details and ruleswww.jumpthegap.net

Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.

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