Un complesso multifunzionale sul fiume Moscova

Concorso internazionale di progettazione

Concorso internazionale per progettare un complesso multifunzionale nel centro di Mosca, a dieci minuti dalla piazza Rossa e lungo l'argine Sofia del fiume Moscova. L'obiettivo è progettare un complesso di residenze con parcheggio interrato, uffici, locali commerciali e sistemare il contesto dal punto di vista paesaggistico.

International architectural competition for concept of the multifunctional complex development on the sofia embankment. The subject of the competition is the architectural concept for multifunctional complex development, located on the area adjacent to the Sofia Embankment. The project envisages the creation of housing and apartment complexes with underground parking, office and shopping facilities, as well as landscaped interior and adjacent areas, including the Sofia Embankment of the Moscow River.

The Organizer of the Competition on behalf of the Client (Capital Group) is the State Unitary Enterprise "Research and Project Institute of General Planning for the city of Moscow".

The area in question is located opposite the southern boundaries of the Moscow Kremlin, a 10-minute walk from Red Square. Currently it is a large empty space in the heart of Moscow, possessing incredible potential. This area is currently a combination of unprecedented location, cultural monuments and a wasteland overgrown with grass, a place with a very rich history.

Russian and foreign architectural companies are invited to participate in the competition, and may include in their team specialists in the fields of landscape design, ecology, economics, and heritage studies.

The competition will be held in two stages. The first stage is the qualification round, in which six teams will be selected to participate in the second round. The second stage is the concept competition. Each of 6 teams selected according to the results of the first stage of the competition are compensated 4 million roubles with VAT for expenses incurred developing the concept.

The customer confirms its intention to develop the project on the basis of the Concept selected for implementation, as well as to involve the Winner in the development of documentation during the "Draft Documentation" stage. Participants in the second round reserve the exclusive rights to their prepared Concept.

Deadline for competition applications: july 20, 2015
Deadline for competition projects: october 6, 2015

More informationzolotoiostrov.com/eng

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