Festival internazionale dei giardini "Jardins de Métis"

Il Festival internazionale dei giardini "Jardins de Métis", una delle più grandi manifestazioni nel suo genere, lancia un concorso internazionale per selezionare i progettisti che realizzeranno i giardini effimeri della sua 17a edizione, che si terrà a partire dal 23 giugno 2016 nella provincia del Québec in Canada.

The International Garden Festival, presented at the Jardins de Métis / Reford Gardens in the Gaspésie region of Québec, is preparing its 17th edition and is issuing an international call for proposals to select designers who will create the new temporary gardens that will be presented from June 23, 2016.

The installations selected by the jury will have a special energy and connection to the natural world. The temporary gardens will have a degree of interactivity that encourages visitors to enter with enthusiasm. The goal is to intrigue visitors with the unusual or to impress by new ways of presenting what is common.

This call for proposals is open to all landscape architects, architects and multidisciplinary teams from Canada and abroad. For complete information on this call for proposals, those interested should consult the web site: www.projects.internationalgardenfestival.ca.

The deadline for the submission of entries is monday november 16, 2015 at 5 pm EST.

About the International Garden Festival

The International Garden Festival is recognized as one of the most important events of its kind in North America and one of the leading annual garden festivals in the world. Since 2000, more than one million visitors have discovered over 160 contemporary and ephemeral gardens created by designers from 15 countries. This artistic and tourism event also gives visitors a chance to discover inspiring spaces bringing together the visual arts, architecture, design, landscape and the environment. The Festival is an annual rendez-vous for admirers of contemporary gardens and design as well as offering a unique creative space for those involved in the renewal of this art form.

About Les Jardins de Métis / Reford Gardens

Les Jardins de Métis / Reford Gardens are located on the shores of the St. Lawrence and Mitis rivers in Québec, Canada. Created from 1926 to 1958 by avid gardener and plant collector, Elsie Reford, the gardens are a national historic site. The gardens and heritage buildings were designated by the government of Québec in 2013. Les Jardins de Métis are considered one of the premier gardens in North America and an obligatory stop for all those visiting eastern Québec. Visit the www.refordgardens.com for more details.

» Guidelines call for proposals

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