Un hub per la cultura in zona Venezia Lido

concorso di idee

Progettare un centro ricreativo, uno spazio innovativo, capace di diventare un importante hub, in zona Lido a Venezia, partendo dal recupero degli edifici che facevano parte del dismesso Ospedale al Mare e dai bisogni concreti dell'associazione culturale Officina Marinoni. La piattaforma per concorsi CTRL+SPACE lancia una nuova competizione internazionale. 

CTRL+SPACE, an online platform, announces an Ideas Competition to generate solutions that can have an impact in the cultural activity of the city of Venice. Departing from the concrete needs of Officina Marinoni, a cultural Organization that has been working towards the regional development of an abandoned public building in the Lido Island, the competition aims to present the role of Architecture as an active citizenship tool. How Architects, as designers of reality, can actively influence the lives of its community.


The plot for this Competition is part of the extinct Ospedale al Mare - Hospital by the Sea - built from 1921 onward as innovative healthcare facilities by the Mediterranean. Devoted to the treatment of tuberculosis, the therapeutically philosophy was based on the benefic properties of Sun, Sand and Sea water, but where also the arts played an important role in the process of returning to full health.

The building complex was enlarged according to continuous donations reaching 1400 beds and 33 buildings. Apart from the care facilities a series of complementary functions were integrated: a library, workshops for artisans, multiple kitchens, full laundry facilities, a church, a school, shops, a theater and of course the extensive beach. Out of these buildings, the Ricreatorio Mario Marinoni is the most prominent. Built in 1921, was donated by citizens to the Ospedale al Mare complex in order to make more cheerful the permanence of children in the Hospital, improving the care for children through education and art.

The donators dedicated the building to the philanthropist Mario Marinoni (1885-1922), teacher and scholar of International Law of great importance in the first decades of the 20th Century in Venice. Ricreatorio Marinoni housed a theatre on the ground floor and in the upper floors different spaces for care, education and art; a radio in the '30s, broadcasted to the different hospital pavilions the shows and all sort of activities realized. Some spaces were used for workshops and educational program.

The Ospedale al Mare was a great part of the Cultural heritage and is still present on the memory of the community of Lido Island. Working with this memory and the inherent value of the place, since 2011 the theatre building has been protected and reactivated by the local Organization - Association Teatro Marinoni - connected with an international network of schools, associations, professionals and artists. Their dream for the future is to revive a common space dedicated to art, care and education, a transdiciplinary school for cultural innovation, artists' residency and citizens encounter.


In continuity with the idea to provide a multifunctional space for care through art and education, the objective of this competition is to create an International cultural innovation centre that will be a relevant hub in Lido Island. Departing from "Teatro Marinoni" which is presently the epicenter of different activities of the Organization this competition presents a fertile territory for artistic and architectural experimentations.


A total fund of 5000€ in prize money will be awarded to winning entries and awards of merit, distributed in the following way:

  • First Prize: 3500€ || Second Prize: 1000€ || Third Prize: 500€
  • 5 Awards of Merit, with no monetary prize

The prizes include bank commissions, taxes and/or paypal commissions.


Mar. 5th - Guided Site Visit | Apr. 30th . Final date for project submission (until 23:59 GMT).

Jan. 19th - Feb. 19th - First Stage Registration - 40€
Feb. 20th - Apr. 9th - Second Stage Registration - 60€
Apr. 10th - Apr. 30th - Final Stage Registration - 90€

Details and briefwww.ctrl-space.net/venice.html

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