Seul punta sul concorso per affidare la progettazione del Polo della musica

concorso di progettazione a procedura aperta

La città di Seul fa appello a specialisti nei campi dell'architettura, del paesaggio e dell'urbanistica per realizzare - entro il 2018 - un polo culturale dedicato alla musica. Ai vincitori sarà affidato l'incarico di progettazione.

Seoul Metropolitan Government holds an international competition in order to establish a Music-led cultural complex until 2018, in which domestic and oversea specialists from various fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, etc. can participate.

This competition has been proceeding in three parts: (first) the Operation Concept Competition, (second) the Operation Panning /Facility Concept Competition, and (third) the Space/Facility Construction International Competition.

Nodeul Dream Island Competition has selected "Urban Transformer" as the operator through the 1st and 2nd stages started from June 2015. The 3rd stage of the competition calls for the Master Plan and design of Space/Facility in order to realize the selected operator's proposal. The selected operator proposed "Establishment of a music-led cultural complex" in which many citizen can enjoy pop-music concert, festival, service of cultural/innovative industry, exhibition, experiencing event, etc.

Seoul Metropolitan Government established a program for present including necessary facilities and the scale considering citizen participation and publicity for the realization of proposed operation program. Additional program would be prepared for the future. It is expected that creative and various design would be proposed through this competition.

A pop-music concert hall

The scope and subject of the 3rd stage of the competition includes a pop-music concert hall with 400-500 seats within total floor area 10,000㎡, a concert hall for musical play, a creation/start-up support facility within 7,000㎡ for culture planning and innovative industry, and a multi-purpose hall with 200 seats for music/cultural performance, event, conference, etc.

The competition

A team of maximum 5 specialists of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, etc. can enter the competition, and al least 1 person of the team should be licensed architect in Korea or oversea.

Seoul Metropolitan Government will select maximum 7 top entries. To the 1st place winner among them, design right of design development and construction document phase will be granted.

The winning entries and prizes are as follows:

  • First Prize (One entry): Design Contract
  • Second Prize (One entry): KRW 50 million
  • Third Prize (One entry): KRW 30 million
  • Honorable Mention (No more then four(4) entries) : KRW 5 million each

Visit Competition Website ( for more details.

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