Environment of Contemporary Architecture

C:CA:10 - C:CA celebrates its 10th anniversary

C:CA / Center of Contemporary Architecture under the aegis of the State Museum of Architecture is pleased to announce the architectural conceptual competition «Environment of Contemporary Architecture».


Ten winners of the competition will participate in the exhibition project of State Museum of Architecture introducing the new generation of architects. Scholarships as special award from the The Dessau Institute of Architecture at the Bauhaus.

Throughout last ten years C:CA has been forming the information and cultural field promoting contemporary architecture in Russia as well as contributing to the introduction of the Russian contemporary architecture into the international cultural process. The main goal was to turn Russian social consciousness toward the architectural problems, to develop professional international relations as well as to support the architectural communities of the province. Nowadays we can state the development of understanding of the contemporary architecture in Russia as an answer to a number of social, political, economical and ethnic problems («total architectural reflection»). The problem though is that this view is only in use in the not numerous local centers, while the rest of Russia is an undeveloped area which is though gigantic. In return, the totality of the architectural reflection often leads to the use of global scale which causes the loss of the local way of thinking as well as the loss of the local center's significance.

In this connection, the most significant object of regard is the global multidimensional space in general (the totality of the country).

Reconsidering of the concept of contemporary architecture and promoting of the total architectural approach to multidimensional reflection.

To form the global Environment of Contemporary Architecture in Russia. 100% use of the site - territory of Russia (it is not necessary to construct buildings).

Students and graduated architects under 35. Team projects are accepted. Possible participation of the representatives of the adjoining professions under 35.

Presentation of the creative activity of ten winners in frame of the exhibition at the State Museum of Architecture in Moscow. Scholarships as special award from the The Dessau Institute of Architecture at the Bauhaus.

+ info www.archcenter.org

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