Centenary Square

International Design Competition

La Città di Birmingham invita architetti, paesaggisti, urbanisti e studenti a partecipare al concorso di progettazione e presentare soluzioni creative per realizzare una piazza internazionale di primo piano nel centro di Birmingham.

Birmingham City Council invites UK and international architects, landscape architects, urban designers and students of these disciplines, to enter the Centenary Square Design Competition. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, to be part of shaping Birmingham's future.

The design competition for this key public space will be in two stages. In the first stage we are asking for conceptual designs that will be judged anonymously. The 5 best of these will then progress to stage two; the shortlisted teams will be granted an honorarium and asked to develop their designs further. Judging for the stage two submissions will include a public consultation.

The aim of this exciting and ambitious International Design Competition is to find design teams to develop contemporary conceptual proposals for Centenary Square, an existing prominent square in the centre of Birmingham. These ideas will in turn spark the imagination, encourage discourse and offer creative solutions to develop this space. The physical ideas should be ones that will promote a positive cultural transformation of the square, making it a world class space and popular destination.

The competition is open internationally to architects, landscape architects, urban designers and students of these disciplines. Collaboration with artists and other relevant disciplines are welcomed.

It is intended that up to five teams will be selected to proceed to the second stage. The five shortlisted teams will each receive honoraria of £5,000 + VAT. The winner's honorarium represents an advance on their professional fee post competition. Birmingham City Council undertakes to pay the honoraria within 6 weeks of the conclusion of the competition.

official website of competition www.ribacompetitions.com/centenarysquare/

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