2017 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship: un viaggio per studiare e scoprire il futuro delle nostre città

borsa di studio

Il Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) e Foster + Partners invitano gli studenti iscritti a un corso di laurea riconosciuto da RIBA o CAA a presentare le proprie candidature per il 2017 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship.

I candidati selezionati riceveranno £7,000 per compiere un viaggio in qualsiasi posto nel mondo con l'obiettivo di perseguire la ricerca sul tema della futura sopravvivenza delle nostre città e comunità.

Lo spirito della borsa di studio si basa sull'esperienza che Lord Foster ha effettuato come studente di architettura, quando ha vinto un premio che gli ha permesso di trascorrere un'estate in viaggio per l'Europa studiando edifici e città fino ad allora studiate solo sulle pagine dei libri. Per l'architetto quell'esperienza è stata una rivelazione e, oggi, si impegna a finanziare un progetto molto simile.

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and Foster + Partners are inviting applications for the 2017 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship.

The RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship has been running since 2007.

The spirit of the scholarship is based on Lord Foster's own experience as a student of architecture: "As a student I won a prize that allowed me to spend a summer travelling through Europe to study first hand buildings and cities that I knew only from the pages of books. It was a revelation - liberating and exhilarating in so many ways. Today it is my privilege to fund the RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship, which I hope will have a lasting legacy - offering the chance for discovery and the inspiration for exciting new work - for generations to come."

The topic of the research should relate to the survival of our cities and towns and fall under one of the following themes: learning from the past to inform the future, the future of society, density of settlements, sustainability, use of resources, quality of urban life, transport. The travel should take place between June-October.


Eligible students must be enrolled in an RIBA or CAA validated degree programmes or in a programme from a specially invited school or architecture centre And must have successfully completed at least the first year of a Part 1 degree.


Schools of architecture offering courses recognised by the RIBA internationally and in the UK as well as by the CAA are invited to put one applicant forward (deadline of 28 April 2017). To find out how to submit the application form please e-mail nfscholarship@fosterandpartners.com

The successful applicant will be notified after the judging in May, and it is recommended that travelling be carried out between June and October 2017


The selected scholar will receive £7,000 to travel anywhere in the world in order to pursue research on the subject of the future survival of our cities and communities.


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