Amber Road Trekking Cabins: idee per i rifugi del percorso escursionistico sul Mar Baltico

Bee Breeders Competitions lancia, in partnership con la Latvia Nature Conservation Agency, il concorso di idee Amber Road Trekking Cabins, con il quale invita architetti, designer e studenti a a progettare i rifugi da inserire lungo l'immenso e splendido sentiero di Amber Road. Il percorso attraverserà completamente la Lettonia, correndo lungo le spiagge del Mar Baltico, gemma inedita del Nord Europa dalla bellezza incontaminata.

I partecipanti dovranno produrre un disegno unico e creativo per una serie di rifugi che verranno posizionati lungo questo arduo percorso. I fabbricati dovranno essere pensati per adattarsi ai diversi tipi di terreni che caratterizzano il sentiero escursionistico e dovranno adattarsi al contesto ambientale lettone, ponendosi potenzialmente come parti fondamentali del paesaggio stesso.

Le cabine dovranno accogliere gli ospiti offrendo loro un riparo sicuro e confortevole e consentendo sia agli escursionisti che alle loro guide di riposare tranquillamente godendo del bellissimo paesaggio naturale circostante.

Al vincitore un premio di 3000 euro e la proposta potrebbe essere realizzata al fine di promuovere il turismo escursionistico nell'area.

The Amber Road Trekking Cabins architecture competition, in partnership with the Latvia Nature Conservation Agency, is calling for designs for a series of trekking cabins to be situated along the immense and beautiful Amber Road trekking path. The path will span the full length of Latvia, running along the Baltic Sea beaches which are an undiscovered gem of Northern Europe's pristine natural beauty.

The Amber Road trekking path is planned to allow long-distance hikers to traverse the country, reaching from the Latvia-Lithuania border to the Latvia-Estonia border. Receiving its name from the shiny specimens that wash up on the beaches to this day, the total length of the trekking path would be 530 km, and it would be included as part of one of the European long-distance paths, a network of 12 paths designated by the European Ramblers Association. Path E9 is a hiking trail that follows the coastline, branching out from the Baltics to include countries like Germany, Belgium, France, Portugal, and Spain to name a few.

For the Amber Road Trekking Cabins architecture competition, participants are tasked with producing unique and creative designs for a series of cabins that could be placed along this long and arduous route. The designs should be suitable for the various different terrains that will be encompassed along this hiking trail, taking special consideration to be constructed in preserved environments.

The Trekking Cabins should be in keeping with Latvia's heritage, and their design should comfortably adapt to suit various environments, with the potential of becoming an iconic part of the landscape themselves. Working within a modest budget, the trekking cabins must provide guests with safe and comfortable lodgings, allowing both hikers and their guides the facilities to rest and enjoy the natural scenery.

Winning designs for the Amber Road Trekking Cabins will be considered for construction by the Latvia Nature Conservation Agency as a way to help boost Latvia's trekking tourism.


Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).


In order to participate in the Competition, entrants must register through the Bee Breeders registration panel as Students or Architects, Designers, Enthusiasts and Companies no later than September 27, 2017. Registration fees are the following:

  • Early Bird Registration
    Architects, Designers, Enthusiasts and Companies: US $90
    Students: US $70
  • Advance Registration
    Architects, Designers, Enthusiasts and Companies: US $120
    Students: US $100
  • Last Minute Registration
    Architects, Designers, Enthusiasts and Companies: US $140
    Students: US $120


All submissions must be uploaded via the upload panel at no later than October 25, 2017.


3 winning proposals, 2 special award recipients and 6 honourable mentions will be selected.

Bee Breeders will award a total of US $6,000 in prize money to competition winners as follows:

  • 1st Prize US $3,000
  • 2nd Prize US $1,500
  • 3rd Prize US $500
  • BB Student Award US $500
  • BB Student Award US $500
  • 6 Honourable Mentions

Winning designs for the Amber Road Trekking Cabins will be considered for construction by the Latvia Nature Conservation Agency as a way to help boost Latvia's trekking tourism.


  • Early Bird Registration | MAY 16 - JUNE 7
  • Advance Registration | JUNE 8 - JULY 28
  • Last Minute Registration | JULY 29 - SEPTEMBER 27
  • Closing date for registration | SEPTEMBER 27, 2017
  • Closing date for submissions | OCTOBER 25, 2017
  • Announcement of the winners | NOVEMBER 8, 2017

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