p+A news

‘Twin Blade’ by NIO (The Netherlands)

The Netherlands > Dutch architecture firm NIO architecten has recently completed a floating house in Amsterdam, responding to residents’ strong personalities with the multiplicity of rooms… [Domus]...

Marseille (France): MuCEM by Rudy Ricciotti

France > Images of the Museum of Civilisations from Europe and the Mediterranean (Musee des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Mediterranee, MuCEM) in Marseille, designed by Rudy Ricciotti. The building will open its doors to the public on June 7, 2013 [dezeen]....

Copenhagen (Denmark): Bryghusprojektet by OMA

Denmark > On May 16, 2013, construction works have started for Bryghusprojektet by OMA, in Copenhagen. The building will include Danish Architecture Centre (DAC)‘s new facilities. Animation: dezain.net...