marta : [post n° 25996]
Vi prego, qualcuno ci aiuti! Siamo due neo diplomate in lingue che vogliono approfondire lo spagnolo e fare nuove esperienze. Il 25 agosto partiamo per Barcelona con lo scopo di trovare alloggio e lavoro li.... ma per ora non sappiamo da dove cominciare!!!!!!!! Ci potete aiutare? Grazie BESOS
We offer you a doble bedroom in Gothic Area of Barcelona, 2 minutes walking distance to Las Ramblas. Address: C/Escudellers Blancs, 12. Close to La Plaza Real.
In case you need to stay longer than days, the price is 575E/2 people /night. (minimum 1 month). Please ask us to send you some pictures and info of the apartment, to the e-mail address: email. Tel. 34 616 835 923 Best wishes, Luisa Lanza (sister of Elena).
We offer you a doble bedroom in Gothic Area of Barcelona, 2 minutes walking distance to Las Ramblas. Address: C/Escudellers Blancs, 12. Close to La Plaza Real.
In case you need to stay longer than days, the price is 575E/2 people /night. (minimum 1 month). Please ask us to send you some pictures and info of the apartment, to the e-mail address: email. Tel. 34 616 835 923 Best wishes, Luisa Lanza (sister of Elena).