Campus 2015

open international architectural design competition

Aalto University Properties Ltd is organising an open international competition for the design of the Otaniemi central campus area.

The competition is arranged as an open international two-phase architectural design competition.

Phase 1 focuses on producing a functional, general-level plan of the central campus of the university. The competition jury will select approximately six entries for further development in Phase 2. The final number of entries to be selected will depend on the results of Phase 1. 

Phase 2 competition task is to produce a more detailed plan of the facilities that will be used primarily by Aalto University's School of Arts, Design and Architecture.

The competition period of Phase 1 begins on 5th April 2012 and ends on 10th August 2012.
The jury will select competitors for Phase 2 latest by November 2012.

The total prize sum in the competition is 300,000 EUR. The prize sum will be distributed as follows:

Each candidate qualifying for Phase 2 will receive 20,000 EUR as soon as an approved Phase 2 entry has been received.

The rest of the award sum, 180,000 EUR, will be distributed as follows:

- 1st prize 60,000 EUR
- 2nd prize 45,000 EUR
- 3rd prize 30,000 EUR
and at least three purchases of 15,000 EUR each

The purpose of Phase 1 of the competition is to design an attractive, lively centre for the campus area. The floor area to be located in the competition area is between 48 000 - 52 000 m2 (gross floor area). Additionally, a complementary building area of 8 000 m2 is indicated to be located on the site of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.

The competition task in Phase 2 is to produce a more detailed functional design for the buildings. The buildings will primarily be used by Aalto University. The School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS) will use the majority of the spaces.

For information on the competition documents, please see

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