adriano : [post n° 22614]

intestazione automatica

Esiste un sistema per far scrivere in modo automatico
all'intermo delle righe di squadratura di un foglio il
nome del File DWG che si sta elaborando ?????
(più o meno come si fa con Word o Excel)
dnim :
Devi utilizzare il comando rtext presente negli ExpressTools.

Ti allego uno stralcio della guida degli expressTools relativa all'argomento.

Inoltre puoi dare un occhiata a titolo esemplificativo a questo thread:…


Creates reactive text

Reactive text (RText) objects are displayed the same way normal Text or MText objects are displayed, but the source for the text is either an external text file or the value of a DIESEL expression. You can edit an RText object with the RTEDIT command.

Command: RTEXT
Current text style: STANDARD Text height: 0.2000 Text rotation: 0
Enter an option [Style/Height/Rotation/File/Diesel] : Specify an option

Style Select a text style.
Height Specify a text height.
Rotation Specify a rotation value.
File Use an external text file.
Diesel Use DIESEL code.

Once you have created an RText object with the File option, you can identify the associated text file with the LIST command.

If a drawing with an RText object is opened on a computer that does not have RTEXT installed, the proxy object that results displays the bounding box of the RText object. If you plan to send your drawing to someone who does not have RTEXT, you can explode the RText objects to MText objects with the EXPLODE command.

You can use an RText object as a file reference to display text, such as a sheet note or a legal disclaimer, that is common to several drawings. You can also use it to display larger bodies of text such as specifications or assembly instructions.

Using DIESEL Expressions
DIESEL provides options previously accessible only with custom programs. Here are some examples of how RText objects with DIESEL expressions can be used in your drawings. You can paste these examples into the DIESEL Expression dialog box.
To display the drawing name:

Drawing file: $(getvar, "dwgname")

Drawing file: 102-fp12.dwg

To include the directory path with the file name:
Drawing name: $(getvar, "dwgprefix")$(getvar, "dwgname")

Drawing file: C:\Projects\97-102\Arch\102-fp12.dwg

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