Londra cerca nuove idee per l'housing

New London Architecture (NLA), in collaborazione con il sindaco di Londra, lancia un concorso per ricevere nuove idee capaci di dare una risposta al blocco che coinvolge l'offerta di alloggi a Londra e di assicurare assicurare alla capitale inglese il giusto numero di residenze di qualità di cui ha bisogno. 

New London Architecture is inviting submissions to a major new ideas competition, in partnership with the Mayor of London, to find fresh thinking on how to unlock London's housing supply and deliver more homes for an expanding population.

They are looking for a range of innovative ideas that would help to improve the speed, scale and quality of housing supply - from solutions for planning policy, land & funding to construction, procurement & design. Ideas can be small-scale or large in their ambition, but when brought together will make a significant contribution to the delivery of quality housing in the capital.

What idea(s) would you propose to improve the speed, scale and quality of London's housing supply?

The competition is free and open for anyone to enter Winning entrants will be offered access to a high-level GLA working group to explore how their ideas can be delivered on a real London site. All winning and shortlisted ideas will be showcased in a three-month exhibition at NLA's galleries in The Building Centre, and in a quality publication, distributed to over 1,000 leading figures working within London's housebuilding sector. All winning and shortlisted ideas will inform a series of recommendations to be presented to key government representatives and London Mayoral candidates.

Deadline for entries: 5pm on Friday 7 August

+ info: www.newlondonarchitecture.org/housinglondon2015

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