Place and Displacement: un mercato per i rifugiati di Giordania, Kenya e Germania

concorso di idee

consegna entro l'1 febbraio 2017

International Development in Action indice il concorso internazionale Place and Displacement, indirizzato alle menti innovative di tutto il mondo per la progettazione di un mercato a servizio delle persone che vivono negli insediamenti di rifugiati in Giordania (Zaatari), Kenya (Kakuma) e Germania (Berlino).

L'obiettivo della competizione, alla luce dell'ondata di profughi che sta interessando sempre più Paesi nel mondo, è quello di proporre una soluzione che permetta ai rifugiati di riacquisire la propria dignità e di riprendere ad esercitare l'attività imprenditoriale. Il mercato dovrà avere un assetto informale ed essere pensato in modo particolare per le donne, per gli adolescenti e per le categorie più vulnerabili. 

L'attività dovrà essere pensata per il lungo termine, ovvero almeno per 3 - 5 anni, portando vantaggio al maggior numero possibile di persone che, ad oggi, contano soltanto sugli aiuti umanitari. Il mercato dovrà diventare l'incarnazione della dignità e della resilienza che rispetta l'autonomia, la creatività e la capacità di ogni rifugiato. I profughi saranno in grado di riconnettersi con il mondo e di pensare a un futuro che vada oltre gli insediamenti transitori.

We challenge the innovative minds around the globe to design a marketplace with an operational plan that enables people living in one of the refugee settlements settlements in Jordan (Zaatari), Kenya (Kakuma), Germany (Berlin) to reassert their dignity by being able to exercise their entrepreneurial creativity and skills through an informal marketplace, to benefit in particular women, adolescents and the most vulnerable. The marketplace should be able to run for long-term, i.e. 3-5 years, and benefit as many people as possible.

In light of the current surge of refugees in the international arena, refugee livelihoods in transitional settlements have become a crucial topic in contemporary geopolitical relations.

Most inhabitants in refugee settlements rely on humanitarian aid and cannot fully exercise their agency and skillsets. A marketplace can become an embodiment of dignity and resilience that respects refugee inhabitants' autonomy, creativity and capability. Through trading activities, refugee inhabitants can connect with the world and a future beyond transient settlements.


Competition is open to all who wish to compete. No professional or educational qualification is required. Forming an interdisciplinary team of 2 is strongly recommended. 


Registration should be made on no later than February 1, 2017.

Registration fees are the follows:

  • November 14, 2016 - December 3, 2016 | Early bird Registration: $30
  • December 4, 2016 - December 31, 2016 | Regular Registration: $50
  • January 1, 2017 - Febbruary 1, 2017 | Late Registration: $70


Submission should be made on between December 4, 2016 and February 1, 2017


  • 1 Overall Winning Team - $3,000
    One overall winning team will be selected at the final symposium by the audience and rewarded an additional $3,000.
  • 3 Winning Teams - $7,000 each
    Jury will select three winning teams, one from each site, to be rewarded $3,000 each. We also cover winners' round trip flight tickets to New York City and two nights of accommodations for up to two people per team, the value of which is estimated at $4000 per team. Winners are responsible for acquiring their own visas, if necessary.
  • 6 Honorable Mentions - $1,000 each
    The jury will choose six honorable mentions, two from each site. Each team will be awarded $1,000. All awarded teams will be featured on publication platforms for architecture and public administration.


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