Animago Award 2008

international contest for digital content

Categories of this year: * STILL * FILM * INTERACTIVE

Submission of materials Please note that the animago organizers will not pay any customs fees, duties, tarriffs, or mail charges incurred by your submission. Submitted materials cannot be returned. Submitters located outside of Germany need to attach a customs label bearing the words "Educational material with no commercial value" or (in German) "Voruebergehende Verwendung. Nur für kulturelle Zwecke, Sendung hat keinen Handelswert".

CATEGORY: STILL A Still is defined as a picture that has been created predominantly using 3D software. However, a mixture with real elements is allowed as well as touch ups using 2D paint software. The focus is on the modelling of objects, how materials have been used, and how the lighting and perspective have been implemented considering the picture’s message. The use of new technologies and the submission’s originality will also be evaluated.

CATEGORY: FILM This category serves as a reservoir for films that have been created predominantly using 3D software, as well as compositings. The focus is on how authentic and convincing 3D objects, lighting and camera angles are. However, the dramaturgy, editing and story will also be evaluated by the jury, taking the submission type (e.g. architecture, art, advertising/commercials) into consideration. Films are considered Compositings and judged accordingly if they combine multiple layers of video, computer generated animation, drawings and/or images to create an entity. The jury lays stress on various technical criteria (e.g. quality of masking, colour correction/colour grading, usage of digital effects et cetera), taking into account the category the respective work has been submitted to.

CATEGORY: INTERACTIVE The Interactive category is designed for submissions that allow the user to control how and in which order information is presented to him. Submissions of this kind may consist of 3D, 2D, video and still picture elements. When evaluating the submission, the jury focusses on the overall concept, the clarity of the structure and its graphical conversion. Examples for submissions that fit into this category are interactive visualizations as well as productions created for various player programs or plug-ins (e.g. Flash, Director).


Special category within animago AWARD 2008

This year, for the first time, the special category of DETAIL CREATIVE AWARD will be awarded as part of the animago AWARD 2008 competition. The prize has been sponsored by the Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG, which publishes the leading architectural journal DETAIL

Each commercial should end with a reference to ", solutions for all outstanding architecture"



Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.

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