ACADIA 2010. Life in:formation

Conference and Call for Papers and Projects

ACADIA 2010 "Life Information: On Responsive Information and Variation in Architecture", Call for Papers and Projects.

ACADIA 2010 will focus on the changing nature of information and its impact on architectural education, research, and practice. The conference will gather leading practitioners, theorists, and researchers who will examine the relation that architecture has with technology and information, and how the latter propels today's most innovative design experimentation and research. ACADIA 2010 will be centered on a series of peer-reviewed paper sessions and a groundbreaking exhibition including peer-reviewed projects.

  • Project Proposals: April 14th 2010
  • Paper Abstract: April 6th 2010 (optional but encouraged)
  • Paper Proposals: May 11th 2010

Details about the Conference and Call for Papers and Projects are available at

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