Daylight Spaces 2012

International Competition Awards Innovative Daylight Concepts

The merging of different aspects of high quality architecture in sustainable building structures is the primary goal of teaching and research activities at the Department for Building and Environment at the Danube University Krems. Here daylight is a key component. To highlight the special importance of natural light on architectural qualities, the Department for Building and Environment announces the competition "Daylight Spaces" for the third time.

By unreflected design and unconsidered use of artificial lighting, daylight is neglected increasingly indoors - but it is available as a resource of high visual quality and totally free of charge. Daylight-sensitive building design enables the use of the various positive qualities of natural light entries indoors. Therefore it is necessary to understand the connections between light and architecture.

The planning or discovery, observation, analysis and evaluation of daylightplanning building qualities is the topic of the competition "Daylight Spaces" and ought to contribute to the awareness of the designing with daylight. Examples with highest demands on light quality can be shown as well as daylight-sensitive everyday architecture.

Information on the Competition:

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