Mediterranean Sea Club (MESC) Ibiza

international architecture competition

Arquideas lancia un concorso per studenti e giovani architetti per immaginare un nuovo modello di offerta turistica adatta a preservare la fragile costa dell'isola del Mediterraneo, con particolare attenzione alla sostenibilità e all'ambiente, consentendo ai visitatori di rilassarsi e divertirsi.

Arquideas is launching the IWC Africa architecture competition.The objective of the Mediterranean Sea Club (MESC) Ibiza competition for students of architecture and young architects is to produce a new leisure model on the fragile and unique coast of this Mediterranean island. The idea is for the MESC to become an alternative to the tourism currently offered by the island, and making it possible to rethink how to occupy the Mediterranean coast. Its location half way between the coastal line and the ocean-surface, will provide different opportunities for relaxation and leisure activities that will little by little become another attraction for visitors to the island. Swimming, sunsets, gastronomy, aquatic sports... will be part of what the MESC will offer its visitors. The proposal must meet the demands and needs of island residents as well as visitors, paying special attention to sustainability and the environment, while allowing visitors to relax and enjoy themselves.


The area proposed for the location of the MESC, indicated in the graphic documentation, is found on the northern coast of Ibiza, between Cala de Portinatx and the islet of Caló d'En Calders.


This competition is open to international undergraduate and graduate students and recent graduate of architecture or related degrees, individually or in teams made up of a maximum of four members. Recent graduate means that person graduated within the 2 years before the competition launching, this is, all graduated in 2013 or later.


1st Prize: 3.750 Euros | 2nd Prize: 1.500 Euros | 3rd Prize: 625 Euros
+ publication + 1 year free subscription to WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell magazine + 1 year free subscription to AV Proyectos magazine.

The Arquideas Special Prize will be given, awarded with 500 euros, to the proposal with more votes from Arquideas Community users, among winners.

May 15, 2015 | Early registration deadline
June 15, 2015 | Regular registration period deadline
June 30, 2015 | Deadline for submission of proposals

» Rules


Arquideas is a community of students and young professionals working in the world of architecture and design whose main objective is to showcase the talent and creativity of its young members, thereby bridging the gap between the academic and professional spheres of architecture and design.

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