The City of Dreams 2016 Pavilion

Concorso di progettazione

Figment, forum newyorkese per la diffusione e la creazione di forme d'arte partecipative e interattive frutto della creatività di giovani emergenti - in team con l'Emerging New York Architects Committee (ENYA), l'American Institute of Architects NY Chapter (AIANY) e la Structural Engineers Association of New York (SEAoNY) - bandisce un concorso internazionale per costruire un padiglione sulla Governors Island a New York.

Figment has teamed with the Emerging New York Architects Committee (ENYA) of the American Institute of Architects NY Chapter (AIANY) and the Structural Engineers Association of New York (SEAoNY) to host a competition to design and construct an architectural pavilion on Governors Island, the City of Dreams Pavilion.

The City of Dreams Pavilion will be a gathering place for people to meet, learn about the arts programs on the island, enjoy a performance or lecture, and experience the interaction of art and the historic context of Governors Island. The theme for the pavilion, the City of Dreams, points toward the future. If we imagine a future New York City where anything is possible, what would it look like? In our wildest and most optimistic dreams, what is the future of the city?

The City of Dreams 2016 Pavilion Design Competition will be a two-stage process, in which a jury of leading architects and other industry professionals will review initial submissions and select a number of finalists. These finalists will receive comments and will have the opportunity to revise their proposals.

Entries are encouraged from individuals or teams of architects and non-architects of any age or experience level, provided they are prepared to carry out the project. Attribution of the winner and finalists will be given based on the names of the individuals who enter, rather than to any firm with whom they are affiliated.

Submit your City of Dreams Pavilion proposal by 11:59 pm ET on September 30, 2015. NOTE: Proposals must follow the Proposal Criteria and Proposal Requirements outlined here. Proposals should be submitted via email to Register by September 20, 2015.

Past Pavilions:

2015 - Billion Oyster Pavilion by BanG Studio and Organic Growth by Izaskun Chinchilla Architects.
2014 - Governors Cup by CDR Studio - AIANY Merit Award in 2015
2013 - Head in the Clouds by StudioKCA
2011 - Bittertang designed Burble Bup
2010 - Living Pavilion by Ann Ha, Assoc. AIA, and Behrang Behin, Assoc. AIA


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