17th Andreu World International Design Contest per progettare un tavolo o una sedia in legno

concorso di design

consegna entro il 24 novembre 2017

Sono aperte le iscrizioni alla diciassettesima edizione del concorso The Andreu World International Design Competition 2017.

Come ogni anno, James Dyson e il suo team di ingegneri e scienziati promuovono la ricerca di soluzioni per i problemi del mondo reale sottoponendo un brief molto semplice: progettare qualcosa che risolva un problema, piccolo o grande che sia.

La competizione, rivolta a studenti e professionisti, richiede ai partecipanti la progettazione di un oggetto di design (un tavolo o una seduta) capace di integrare la valenza estetica ai principi propri di Andreu World.

L'elemento dovrà essere progettato principalmente in legno con la possibilità di abbinare parti in metallo, plastica o vetro. 

The Andreu World International Design Competition is back for its seventeenth year.

Get inspired to create and submit your chair or table design. All creative people worlwide are invited to participate.

In order to participate, contestants must design an item of furniture (seat or table) that integrates all the specifications outlined by Andreu World, S.A. in the product briefing and which resolves the accompanying technical and formal challenges in the terms indicated.

he main material used shall be wood. The use of other materials such as metals, plastics, glass, etc. is allowed when complementary, structural or incidental to the above. All designs presented shall be new, not having been marketed or disclosed prior to the date of the Contest. 


The competition is open both to design students and to professionals, without age limit.


Participants may only register themselves via the registration form available in our website. Participants may register only once.

New participants may register by completing the form available via the Access menu in the website.

Participants may complete the Registration process for the Andreu World International Design Contest once they have obtained a participant number.


Material must be submitted by each participant by post or messenger service, or by delivering the project by hand to our offices, before 24th November 2017.


The following prizes will be awarded:

  • 1st prize of 3000 euros
  • 2nd prize of 1000 euros

Will be awarded by a jury composed of professionals from different sectors: Design, Industry, Media and other fields related to creative activities.

The jury will also award up to a maximum of 4, non-monetary, special mentions.

The awards ceremony will be held on December 2017.

more info


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