3 borse di studio del Het Nieuwe Instituut per ricerche nelle discipline architettura, design e cultura digitale a Rotterdam

Het Nieuwe Instituut (Rotterdam) annuncia una open call per assegnare tre borse di ricerca per un lavoro che i selezionati svolgeranno da settembre 2017 a febbraio 2018 a Rotterdam. La borsa di ricerca ha una durata di sei mesi durante i quali ciascun ricercatore riceverà un importo mensile di 2.000 euro e il rimborso delle spese di viaggio.

Dal 2013 l'istituto ha favorito gli studi sull'architettura attraverso esposizioni, eventi e pubblicazioni realizzate da parte di praticanti, ricercatori indipendenti, accademici e curatori. Oggi, le trasformazioni tecnologiche, politiche e sociali hanno portato alla nascita di nuove forme di creatività che ha reso necessario lo sviluppo di approfondimenti critici sui metodi alternativi di vivere. In questo contesto la ricerca è un passaggio fondamentale.

La Call for Fellows invita i partecipanti ad avanzare una proposta di ricerca con una prospettiva unica e una specifica metodologia per affrontare le pressanti questioni contemporanee di cui architettura, design e cultura digitale sono parte integrante. I progetti dovranno preferibilmente essere un'alternativa ai prestabiliti modelli di pensiero, sviluppare una metodologia di ricerca distintiva, attivare diversi canali per la diffusione dei risultati degli studi e costruire una rete di collaborazioni e di contatti istituzionali sia nei Paesi Bassi che all'estero.

I partecipanti potranno accedere a tre borse di studio diverse relative all'architettura, al design e alla cultura digitale. Ogni borsa ha un tema distinto in linea con il programma dell'Istituto. I concorrenti dovranno sviluppare il tema nelle loro proposte, facendo riferimento al contesto politico e sociale in cui si inserirà la loro ricerca.

Het Nieuwe Instituut announces an open call for three research fellows to work in residence from September 2017 to February 2018.

Since its founding in 2013, Het Nieuwe Instituut has fostered research initiatives in the form of exhibitions, events, archival investigations and publications by a variety of practitioners, independent researchers, academics and curators.

Current technological, political, and social transformations have raised questions about the construction of a shared worldview. New forms of creativity and responsibility are needed to develop engaged, self-aware and critical arguments about alternative modes of living and experimenting in the cultural field. Research is pivotal in this pursuit. The Call for Fellows invites applicants to submit a research proposal with a unique perspective and specific methodology to address pressing contemporary questions in which architecture, design and digital culture play a part. This fellowship is also an opportunity to interact with and challenge the ongoing activities of the institute, amidst the wider context of the debate on the role of institutions.

Priority will be given to proposals that offer departures from established modes of thinking, develop a distinctive research methodology, activate multiple channels for dissemination of research outcomes, and construct a network of collaborators and other institutional contacts, both within the Netherlands and abroad.


Het Nieuwe Instituut offers three fellowship opportunities based on its core disciplines of architecture, design, and digital culture. Each fellowship has a distinct theme in line with Het Nieuwe Instituut's long-term programme. Applicants should clearly address one theme in their proposals, and also explain the social and political context for their research. They can also rely on a larger system of references, schools of thought and practices from other fields, as well as different forms of engagement.


Applicants need not have a degree in the discipline they choose to investigate, but must display deep engagement with the subject matter. Neither a curriculum vitae nor letters of recommendation are requested. There is no age limit for applicants. Applicants of all citizenships and places of residence are welcome.


From 13 March to 16 April 2017 Het Nieuwe Instituut will accept applications for three research fellowships associated with the disciplines of Het Nieuwe Instituut (architecture, design, and digital culture).

There is no entry fee for the call for fellows.

Applications must be sent to callforfellows@hetnieuweinstituut.nl.


A pre-selection of applications will be made by the R&D department. An international jury will select one application for each of the three fellowships.

A jury composed of leading international practitioners in architecture, design, digital culture, and artistic research, as well as two representatives of Het Nieuwe Instituut, will select the three fellows.

The fellowship is a 6-month position based at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. It includes a monthly stipend of 2,000 EUR and a return trip from the country of residence.


  • 13 March 2017 Opening of the call for fellowship applications
  • 27 March 2017 Deadline for questions related to applications
  • 31 March 2017 Response to questions
  • 16 April 2017 Final deadline for fellowship applications
  • 23 May 2017 Public announcement of selected fellows

more info

web www.fellows.hetnieuweinstituut.nl

email k.truijen@hetnieuweinstituut.nl (Katía Truijen)

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