Vimania ARchitecture Competition: il concorso di idee che punta sulle potenzialità della realtà aumentata in architettura

consegna entro il 30 novembre 2017

Vimania lancia il concorso di idee Vimania ARchitecture Competition, dedicato alla realtà aumentata nel campo dell'architettura.

La modellazione realizzata con la realtà aumentata consente di visualizzare un edificio con tutti i dettagli che lo caratterizzano. Questo consente, trattandosi di un modello virtuale, un confronto tra edifici presenti in diverse zone del mondo e costruiti in epoche differenti. La realtà aumentata permette di creare un vero e proprio catalogo di edifici, offrendo al ricercatore e all'architetto strumenti inaspettati, nuovi metodi di percezione e nuove opportunità per creare una rinnovata filosofia di sviluppo dell'architettura.

Ai partecipanti viene chiesto di presentare un modello 3D di un edificio del proprio Paese o della propria zona di provenienza. Potrà essere una costruzione moderna, con dettagli esclusivi identificativi del luogo in cui si colloca, oppure un edificio storico o un monumento. In entrambi i casi il 3D andrà trattato con texture fotorealistiche e con una modellazione geometricamente ottimizzata. 

Augmented reality provides us with new research field of architecture. Now you do not need architectural models. We can see the building as it is with all the details. At the same time, it remains virtual model.

These properties are augmented reality give us new opportunities. For example, we can compare the buildings from different regions of the world, from different eras in the same scale. We can make collections of buildings, unimaginable compositions.

These new aspects give the researcher of the architecture an unexpected tools and fundamentally unattainable points of perception. Perhaps we will be able to explore the flow of time in the evolutionary series of buildings from different eras. Traditional classical compositions of cities are broken, being subjected to the inexorable impact of a new instrument of perception. Augmented reality and virtual reality give us the opportunity to create a new philosophy of historical development of architecture. Explore it in every detail.

In this competition, we invite participants to submit 3d models of buildings from your country and your region. We'll create augmented reality applications based on the best models.

Participants can create 3D models in 2 categories: 3d model of a modern building with unique details inherent in your region. 3d model of a historic building or monument which is not far from you.

Building models should contain photorealistic textures and at the same time be geometrically optimized, do not contain interior details and various elements that are not visible from the outside. 


Competition is open to architects, designers, civil engineers, landscape architects / designers, structural engineers / designers, urban planners, urbanists, students.

Participants can organize themselves in groups of no more than 7 members.


Participation in the competition is free of charge. Participants are required a preliminary registration at

Projects must be submitted no later than November, 30th 2017 by sending a mail at


The prize fund is 12,500 euro.

The main prize will be awarded for best and most realistic 3d building model, optimized for augmented reality technology.

Additional prizes can be awarded on the basis of the following criteria:

  • most original building, incorporating historic elements
  • most realistic model of the monument of architecture
  • project of the historical monument (3d model), reflecting the unique historical features or events in your area.

The prize Fund will be divided between categories in the proportions: 85% - 1st prize, 15% for additional prizes.

In addition, the 20 participants of the competition will be included in the shortlist.

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