The Unbelievable Challenge: studenti e giovani progettisti invitati a ristrutturare un vecchio centro commerciale a Breslavia

concorso di architettura internazionale

Ultimi giorni per partecipare al concorso di idee internazionale The Unbelievable Challenge  finalizzato a dare un nuovo look ai prospetti di un grande magazzino sito nella città polacca di Breslavia.

L'autore della migliore proposta potrà trascorrere 10 settimane di stage retribuito a Oslo presso lo studio norvegese Snøhetta. Il valore approssimativo del tirocinio è di 25.000 euro (stipendio, tasse, deduzioni e affitto per un appartamento a Oslo). La giuria assegnerà altri quattro premio di 1.000 euro ciascuno.

La finalità del concorso, organizzato da Ruukki in collaborazione con Echo Polska Properties (Polonia), Snøhetta (Norvegia) e Helsinki Design Week (Finlandia), è di individuare una proposta che aiuti il paesaggio urbano circostante a rivitalizzarsi. L'espressione architettonica del fronte deve essere immediatamente riconoscibile e unica . Il concorso è alla ricerca di soluzioni a livello di idee, e quindi i partecipanti non si devono sentire limitati da implementazioni esclusivamente formali.

La giuria è composta da
Eli Synnevåg Senior Architect MNAL, Snøhetta, Norway,
- Mr. Santa Claus Investor, Korvatunturi, Finland,
- Michał Świerczyński Board Member and Head of Asset Management, Echo Polska Properties, Poland,
Kari Korkman Founder & Director, Helsinki Design Week, Finland,
Petteri Lautso Architect and Customer Value Director, Ruukki, Finland,
- Alexandru Oprita Architect & Winner of 2014 Competition, Romania

Per ulteriori informazioni e per scaricare il bando del concorso vai sul sito

Se avete domande, non esitate a contattare il team Ruukki su Facebook:

The Unbelievable Challenge 2017

This year sees the return of The Unbelievable Challenge open architectural ideas competition presented by Ruukki Construction in collaboration with Helsinki Design Week, Snøhetta and Echo Polska Properties.

In The Unbelievable Challenge 2017, Mr. Santa Claus seeks new ideas for a mall façade renovation project in Wrocław, Poland from architect and design students. The aim of the competition is to explore ways how reinventing exterior architecture could both vitalise the surrounding cityscape as well as give an alluring hint of what is offered inside. This year's lucky winner is awarded with an amazing internship at the world-renowned Snøhetta design company in Norway.

The Challenge

Grown tired of all the extra gifts he's left with each year, Mr. Santa Claus has decided to build an epic Winter Wonderland Outlet where he can store the gifts and share the spirit of the season with everyone. Jointly with Ruukki, he has found a perfect place for this, an old shopping mall in Wrocław, Poland. The catch is that the shopping mall is in dire need of renovation. It's not only that the façade of the building needs freshening up, Mr. Santa wants the Winter Wonderland Outlet to be an eye-catcher, something that really attracts large customer flows as well as reflects the wonderful experiences people are offered inside. For this, he needs the help of designer and architect students, or young professionals in these fields.

How to participate?

The competition is seeking ideas-level solutions, and hence the participants are not limited in strictly formal implementations. However, participants are to utilise the program documents and follow the submittal and general guidelines provided by the competition organiser. Additionally, Ruukki products are to be utilised as a part of the overall design.

The submitted proposal is expected to clearly present the idea (the problem & the solution) for the front of a very large outlet centre, Pasaz Grunwaldzki, and show how the site can be transformed from a post war brutalist area to a setting that provides unforgettable experiences. The evaluation of the competition entries will emphasise the big idea and the general quality of the solution.

The competition is aimed at architect and designer students or young professionals in these fields. A participant can be an individual person or a freely chosen team. However, we advise you to consider the prize (internship for one person) if thinking of teaming up.

The applicants enter the competition through uploading their competition entry (pdf & jpeg) on The Unbelievable Challenge 2017 website by 20 November 2017 (12 noon EET). No further registration is required.


  • Deadline for entries: 12 noon EET, 20 November 2017
  • The finalists are announced: 4 December 2017
  • The finalists present their proposals to the jury in a video conference: 8 December 2017
  • The winner is awarded and the results published: 14 December 2017 (personally, on the campaign website and Facebook)

Find out more about the competition and download the competition brief:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Santa and the Ruukki team on our Facebook:


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